Monday, July 23, 2012

Why Cana?

So why Cana Homebrew Club? Why not something else?

We believe the bible is the very word of God to us. It is His divinely authored text to us concerning many things, chiefly who He is and how he interacts with His creation. The bible is the very word of God, and it is from front cover to back chiefly concerned about the person and work of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. It is a story about how Jesus came to earth as a man to deal with sin, for which we are justly condemned, for those who would believe in Him and this for His glory. In the Gospel according to John at the very beginning we find the story of Jesus at a wedding, a wedding in Cana. The host runs out of wine and Jesus' mother finds out and asks Jesus to do something. Jesus then accomplishes His first miracle by turning six large pots full of water into wine. Not only that, but it's really good wine and is commented on by the head waiter as to its high quality.

This is not just a miracle. This is not merely a demonstration of the power of God and His declaration that He has come to earth. This is all those things and a declaration of the new covenant which after thousands of years of waiting has finally arrived. The old wine (the old covenant) has run out and the new better wine (new better covenant) is here. His glory was manifested and His disciples believed in Him. The new covenant had arrived, it had been vindicated by the miracle and people were saved.

Cana Home brew club is about seeing the same thing happen as what happened at the Wedding in Cana. (not that we hope to miraculously turn 30 gallon pots of water into wine) But we hope that similar to a wedding, an event that brings people together, we can bring people together through home brewing. All for the purpose of bringing forth the message that the new covenant is here, Jesus Christ died, rose again and putting your faith in Him and His work saves.

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